Sources in Early Poetics
gen. ed. Vladimir Brljak and Micha Lazarus,
ed. Elsa Bouchard, Baukje van den Berg, Bryan Brazeau, Lara Harb, and Andrew Kraebel
(Brill, 2021–)
Editions and translations of primary sources in literary criticism from Greco-Roman antiquity to the Enlightenment. Cutting across established period and disciplinary divides, the series emphasizes both the essential continuity and the inventive range of over two millennia of criticism in the West and its neighbouring traditions. From the Levant to the Americas, from Greek and Latin to Arabic, Hebrew, and the rising vernaculars, Sources in Early Poetics provides a forum for new materials and perspectives in the long, cosmopolitan history of literary thought.
Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts—further info here.
Poetics before Modernity: Literary Theory
in the West from Antiquity to 1700
ed. Vladimir Brljak and Micha Lazarus
(Oxford University Press, under contract)
Redraws the map of premodern poetic thought across traditional historical and disciplinary boundaries, featuring chapters by some of the leading scholars in the field: Gavin Alexander, Colin Burrow, Rita Copeland, Kathy Eden, Roland Greene, Beatrice Gründler, Stephen Halliwell, Philip Hardie, Andrew Laird, Peter Struck, Eric Weiskott, and Jon Whitman.
'Artes poeticae': Formations and Transformations, 1500–1700
ed. Vladimir Brljak and Micha Lazarus, special issue of Classical Receptions Journal 31.1 (2021)
Gathers ambitious new work on the poetics and literary criticism of sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century England, France, Italy, and Latin America, featuring contributions by Bryan Brazeau, James Hall, Michael Hetherington, Aaron Kachuck, Lucy Rayfield, Chris Stamatakis, Maya Feile Tomes, and Ted Tregear.